Ivekovic, RadaDame nationNation et difference des sexes, 2003
Europe and the Balkans International Network n. 21
pp. 264, ISBN 88-8063-405-4
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Post-communist transition in Europe and its broader international implications, 2004
a cura di
Mario ZucconiEurope and the Balkans International Network n. 22
pp. 250, ISBN 88-8063-442-9
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Facing the past, facing the futureConfronting ethnicity and conflict in Bosnia and former Yugoslavia, 2005
a cura di
Florian Bieber - Carsten WielandEurope and the Balkans International Network n. 23
pp. 176, ISBN 88-8063-464-X
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tramite Casalini Libri Digital DivisionC. Wieland, Introduction - C. Wieland, Demolishing the myth of homogeneous "ethnic" blocks. Bosnia in comparative perspective. part one - facing the past: S. Šelo Šabic, Post-War State Building: Germany in 1945 and Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1995 - B. Bijelic, Balkans, Stereotypes, Violence and Responsibility - E.D. Gordy, What does it mean to break with the past? part two - ethnic conflict from a distance - a misunderstanding?: C. O’Sullivan, Observations on the U.S. News Media and the Resolution of Ethnic Conflict: its Influence on Public Opinion and the Process of Peace-Building - M. Vandiver, Teaching Students in the United States about Genocide in Bosnia: Challenges and Possiblitie. part three - facing the future: D. Chandler, Undermining Politics: The International Fight against Corruption in Bosnia-Herzegovina - F. Bieber, Power Sharing, Political Representation and Group Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Borders of the PolityMigrations and security across the EU and the Balkans, 2005
a cura di
Luisa ChiodiEurope and the Balkans International Network n. 24
pp. 256, ISBN 88-8063-478-X
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tramite Casalini Libri Digital DivisionPreface by Stefano Bianchini - Luisa Chiodi, Intoduction. Part One. Displacement and Change: Federica Baroncini and Fabio Zuccheri, Split: a Catalyst or a Crossroads for Immigration? -Lino Zonzini, Albanian Migrations in Albania and Migration Eventsof Albanians -Anna Krasteva, The Chinese in Bulgaria. Part Two. Security and Inclusion: Tatjana Sekulić, Forced Migration and Perception of Borders: War-migrant Associations as a Resource for Integration- Melita Richter, The Other of Trieste -Zoran Lapov, The Former-Yugoslav Roma in Italy: a Struggle for Socio-Cultural Participation or for Survival? - Fabio Salomoni, Balkan Migrations to Modern Turkey: Continuity and Change. PART THREE.Transnational Dynamics and Participation: Luisa Chiodi and Rando Devole, Albanian Migrants in Italy and the Struggle for Recognition in the Transnational Public Sphere - Thanos Maroukis, Albanian Migrants in Athens and the Emergence of a Transborder Public Sphere - Cornel Ban, Mapping Out Spaces and Relations of Transnationalism: The Case of Romanian Immigration in Italy.
Rizman, Rudolf MartinDall'autoritarismo alla democrazia attraverso l'indipendenzaIl caso sloveno, 2006
Europe and the Balkans International Network n. 25
pp. 192, ISBN 88-8063-518-2
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tramite Casalini Libri Digital DivisionPrefazione – 1. Dal popolo allo Stato-Nazione – 2. L’affiorare del pluralismo politico – 3. Intellettuali e politica – 4. La chiesa e la religione sotto il (post-)comunismo – 5. La sfida della destra radicale – 6. Al posto delle conclusioni: verso il consolidamento democratico – Bibliografia – Indice dei nomi
A European Space of Justice, 2006
a cura di
Justin Orlando Frosini - Michele Angelo Lupoi - Michele MarchesielloEurope and the Balkans International Network n. 26
pp. 344, ISBN 88-8063-494-1
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tramite Casalini Libri Digital DivisionForeword by M. Marchesiello - S. Bjeković, Harmonization of the Legal System of Montenegro and EU Law - N. Prokopenko (updated by I. Damjanovski), The Approximation of the Macedonian Legal System to the Acquis Communautaire - D. Mutapčić, The Harmonisation of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Legal System with the Acquis Communautaire - R. Dragićević-Dičić, The Main Innovations in the New "Yugoslav" Law on Criminal Proceedings - A. Uzelac, The Rule of Law and the Croatian Judicial System: Court Delays as a Barrier on the Road to European Accession - J. Lozano Miralles, Judges and Prosecutors: One Magistracy for Two Different Tasks - G. Ruiz-Rico, How Judges Promote and Guarantee their Independence and their Autonomy: Superior Councils of the Magistrature and Judges’ Associations - G. Di Paolo, Is a European Culture of the “Legal Process” Really Developing? - M.A. Lupoi, The Harmonization of Civil Procedural Law within the EU - P. Massidda, International Criminal Courts and their Impact on National Jurisdictions - I. Josipović, The Implementation of International Criminal Law in the National Legal System and the Liability for War Crimes (the Case of the Republic of Croatia).
Democratization in post-communist transitions processes in the 1990sLights ans shadows, 2006
a cura di
Anna Krasteva - Francesco PriviteraEurope and the Balkans International Network n. 27
pp. 192, ISBN 9788880635321
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tramite Casalini Libri Digital DivisionPreface by F. Privitera - A. Krasteva, The post-Communist Political Conflict - R.M. Rizman, Towards Democratic Consolidation (The case of Slovenia) - A. Seidlová and M. Vyšín, New Czech Political Elite - M. Ewa Kaminska, The Reform of the Public Administration in Poland: Devolution and self-Government - C. Beciu, Transition and Social Conflict in Romania - I. Munteanu, Reforms against the Disintegration of the State in Moldova - Z. Seizović, Human Rights Protection in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the light of its Constitutional Reform - D. Janjić, Overdue Serbia - D. Kaneff, Global Policies, Local Solutions: the Value of Local Studies
Regional cooperation, peace enforcement, and the role of the traties in the Balkans, 2007
a cura di
Stefano Bianchini - Joseph Marko - Robert Craig Nation - Milica UvalicEurope and the Balkans International Network n. 28
pp. 288, ISBN 978-88-8063-542-0
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tramite Casalini Libri Digital DivisionS. Bianchini, Introduction. The Balkans, reform of the treaties, and European integration: the challenges of stabilization not yet achieved. PART ONE - In view of Balkan Stabilization: new Challenges and Lessons Learned - V. Pešic, The Principles of International Law in the Peace Treaties and Agreements of the Yugoslav Wars: Their Relevance to the Search for Stability in the Region - M. Labus, The Role of the Treaties in the Balkans: “The Fifth Treaty” - B.Vankovska, The Role of the Ohrid Framework Agreement and the Peace Process in Macedonia. PART TWO - Reshaping Statehood: Constitutional Reforms and Political Implications in the perspective of the EU Integration: J. Marko, Constitutions and Good Governance: Challenges for Post-Conflict Reconstruction and EU-Integration - Z. Pajic, Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Statehood Crossroads - M. Pajvancic, The New Constitution of Serbia and the Autonomy of Vojvodina: a Comparative Analysis of the Constitution of Serbia - E. Hoxhaj, The Politics of Partition in Kosovo: Ethnicity, Territoriality, and Nation-building - F. Privitera, Europe and the Balkans: A Mirror Image - M. Uvalic, Attracting Foreign Direct Investment in Southeast Europe: Challenges for Regional Cooperation. PART THREE - Building a Sustainable Economy in the Regional Context: W. Bartlett, Regional Cooperation and Regional Divergence: the Inequalising Effects of Free Trade Agreements in the Western Balkans - M. Ferrazzi, Trade and Foreign Direct Investments in the Western Balkans: the Role of Italy. PART FOUR - The Regional Security Enforcement and its International Players - R.C. Nation, Security in Balkan Europe: Premises and Prospects - D. Janjic, Kosovo: Security Risks - E.J. Kirchner and M. Hanusch, The EU as a Security Actor: The Case of Bosnia - Appendix.
Ramet, Sabrina P.L'Europa centro-orientale tra religione e politicaCattolici, ortodossi e nuovi ordini missionari dopo il 1989, 2008
Europe and the Balkans International Network n. 29
pp. 216, ISBN 9788880635789
€ 25.00
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Quo vadis eastern Europe?Religion, state and society after communism, 2009
a cura di
Ines Angeli MurzakuEurope and the Balkans International Network n. 30
pp. 272, ISBN 978-88-8063-610-6
€ 25.00
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tramite Casalini Libri Digital Division