Communities and identities in Bulgaria, 1999
a cura di
Anna KrastevaEurope and the Balkans International Network n. 10
pp. 360, ISBN 88-8063-229-6
€ 25.00
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The Borders of the PolityMigrations and security across the EU and the Balkans, 2005
a cura di
Luisa ChiodiEurope and the Balkans International Network n. 24
pp. 256, ISBN 88-8063-478-X
€ 25.00
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tramite Casalini Libri Digital DivisionPreface by Stefano Bianchini - Luisa Chiodi, Intoduction. Part One. Displacement and Change: Federica Baroncini and Fabio Zuccheri, Split: a Catalyst or a Crossroads for Immigration? -Lino Zonzini, Albanian Migrations in Albania and Migration Eventsof Albanians -Anna Krasteva, The Chinese in Bulgaria. Part Two. Security and Inclusion: Tatjana Sekulię, Forced Migration and Perception of Borders: War-migrant Associations as a Resource for Integration- Melita Richter, The Other of Trieste -Zoran Lapov, The Former-Yugoslav Roma in Italy: a Struggle for Socio-Cultural Participation or for Survival? - Fabio Salomoni, Balkan Migrations to Modern Turkey: Continuity and Change. PART THREE.Transnational Dynamics and Participation: Luisa Chiodi and Rando Devole, Albanian Migrants in Italy and the Struggle for Recognition in the Transnational Public Sphere - Thanos Maroukis, Albanian Migrants in Athens and the Emergence of a Transborder Public Sphere - Cornel Ban, Mapping Out Spaces and Relations of Transnationalism: The Case of Romanian Immigration in Italy.
Democratization in post-communist transitions processes in the 1990sLights ans shadows, 2006
a cura di
Anna Krasteva - Francesco PriviteraEurope and the Balkans International Network n. 27
pp. 192, ISBN 9788880635321
€ 25.00
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tramite Casalini Libri Digital DivisionPreface by F. Privitera - A. Krasteva, The post-Communist Political Conflict - R.M. Rizman, Towards Democratic Consolidation (The case of Slovenia) - A. Seidlovį and M. Vyķn, New Czech Political Elite - M. Ewa Kaminska, The Reform of the Public Administration in Poland: Devolution and self-Government - C. Beciu, Transition and Social Conflict in Romania - I. Munteanu, Reforms against the Disintegration of the State in Moldova - Z. Seizovię, Human Rights Protection in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the light of its Constitutional Reform - D. Janjię, Overdue Serbia - D. Kaneff, Global Policies, Local Solutions: the Value of Local Studies
Migrations from and to Southeastern Europe, 2010
a cura di
Diana Karabinova - Anelia Kasabova - Anna KrastevaEurope and the Balkans International Network n. 31
pp. 296, ISBN 978-88-8063-622-9
€ 25.00