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AUTORI: Montemaggi, Vittorio

L001138 aggiungi al carrello
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Exile, Politcs and Theology in Dante, 2013
a cura di Claire E. Honess - Matthew Treherne
Memoria del Tempo n. 38
pp. 128, ISBN 978-88-8063-772-1    € 20.00

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tramite Casalini Libri Digital Division

Claire E. Honess & Matthew Treherne, Introduction: Exile, Politics and Theology in Dante - Matthew Treherne, Reading Dante’s Heaven of the Fixed Stars (Paradiso xxii-xxvii): Declaration, Pleasure and Praise - Marco Giani, Holding the Coin, Possessing the Coin: Faith, from Theoretical to True Possession - Vittorio Montemaggi, The Theology of Dante’s Commedia as seen in the light of the cantos of the Heaven of the Fixed Stars - Catherine Keen, Florence and Faction in Dante’s Lyric Poetry: Framing the Experience of Exile - Claire E. Honess, ‘Ritornerò poeta…’: Florence, Exile, and Hope - Simon Gilson, Reading Florence in Dante’s Commentators, 1324-1570

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