Migrations from and to Southeastern Europe, 2010
a cura di
Diana Karabinova - Anelia Kasabova - Anna KrastevaEurope and the Balkans International Network n. 31
pp. 296, ISBN 978-88-8063-622-9
€ 25.00
European memoryA blessing or a curse?, 2010
a cura di
Ineta Dabasinskiene - Leonidas DonskisEurope and the Balkans International Network n. 32
pp. 160, ISBN 978-88-8063-654-0
€ 20.00
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tramite Casalini Libri Digital DivisionL. Donskis, To Be or To Forget: Politics of Remembering vs. Politics of Forgetting – R.M. Rizman, Identity in the Vicissitudes of Globalization – M. Žagar, European Identities and Education for Democratic Citizenship in Diverse Societies – S. Bianchini, Networking Memories. The Historical Narratives and the Challenges of the European Integration – E. Aleksandravičius, Conspiracy Theories in Traumatized Societies: The Lithuanian Case – F. Miszlivetz, The Spirit of Freedom and Hope: The Meaning and Message of the '56 Revolution – I. Bariska, The Landscape of the Politics of Remembering in Transitional Hungary – M. Bloch, Autobiographical Memory and the Self: Combining Approaches from the Social and Cognitive Sciences
Kosovo: independence, status, perspectivesAdjusting regional policies of ethnicity and borders, 2011
a cura di
Ylber Hysa - Dušan JanjicEurope and the Balkans International Network n. 33
pp. 248, ISBN 978-88-8063-674-8
€ 20.00Ylber Hysa, Kosovo and its Neighbours Following Independence: an Easy Landing with Passengers still on Board – Dušan Janjić, The Status of Kosovo - Leonas Tolvaišis, The ‘New Reality’ seen from the Enclave: the Kosovo Serbs' Experience - Florian Bieber and Soeren Keil, The Bosnian Crisis and the Independence of Kosovo - Remzi Lani, The Role of Albania in the Balkans in the Wake of Kosovo's Independence: Continuity and Change - Biljana Vankovska, Macedonia in a Limbo: Between Regional (In)stability and Euro-integration - Adam Balcer, Kosovo, Abkhazia and South Ossetia Case Studies – Similarities and Differences - George Andreopoulos, What Next for Self-determination? Kosovo’s Quest for Independence and the ICJ Opinion - Adam Balcer, EULEX and the Kosovo Gordian Knot - Craig R. Nation, The U.S. and the Stabilization of the Adriatic-Black Sea Corridor - Konstantin Khudoley, Russia's Interests and Concerns over the Balkans.
Bosnia-Herzegovina since DaytonCivic and uncivic values, 2013
a cura di
Ola Listhaug - Sabrina P. RametEurope and the Balkans International Network n. 34
pp. 432, ISBN 978-88-8063-739-4
€ 35.00
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tramite Casalini Libri Digital DivisionContributors: Florian Bieber, Fikret Čaušević, Sarah Correia, Boris Divjak, Sanin Hasibović, Zachary T. Irwin, Harun Karčić, Ola Listhaug, Joseph Marko, Valery Perry, Michael Pugh, Sabrina P. Ramet, Kristen Ringdal, Albert Simkus, Zan Strabac, Pilvi Torsti, Marko Valenta, Mitja Velikonja, Andrew Wachtel, Siniša Zrinščak
Self-determination and sovereignity in EuropeFrom historical legacies to the EU external role, 2013
a cura di
Stefano BianchiniEurope and the Balkans International Network n. 35
pp. 288, ISBN 978-88-8063-760-8
€ 25.00
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tramite Casalini Libri Digital DivisionStefano Bianchini, Self-determination and Sovereignty. European Historical Legacies and Challenges for the Future – An Introduction - PART ONE: The Historical Legacies. Self-Determination and Sovereignty in the 20th Century Perspective: Giuseppe Motta, After Versailles. Territorializing Minority Policies in Central-Eastern Europe - Sara Barbieri, Questioning Versailles: National-Cultural Autonomy in the Post-revolutionary Siberian Context - Elena Dundovich, Building Soviet Federalism and Managing Differences. The Bolshevik Approach to the Rights of Peoples. 1917-1936 - Francesco Caccamo, Managing National Differences in Eastern Europe. Czechoslovak Federalism and its Crisis after 1989. PART TWO - After the Cold War. The European Integration as a new Political Subject: Self-Determination and Sovereignty Reframed: Laura Scichilone, The EEC/EU and Nuclear Safety in Central and Eastern Europe. The Case of Bulgaria: Sovereignty Claims versus European Aspirations - Laura Grazi, Local and Regional Autonomy in the EU Eastern Partnership. Eroding Sovereignty via Sub-national Actors in the EU Neighboring Countries - Federica Di Sarcina, European Gender Equality Policy in the Western Balkans and the challenges of EU political conditionality - PART THREE - Reframing Sovereignty and Managing: Diversities Outside the EU: Leonas Tolvaišis, Kosovo, Vojvodina, and the Demonstration Effect on Serbia's Regionalization - Giorgio Comai, Sovereignty Conflicts and Minority Protection:
the Case of Abkhazia - Sara Barbieri, National-cultural Autonomies in Contemporary Russia. Insight into the Tomsk Oblast. PART FOUR - Fostering Inclusiveness: Enlargement Strategies and External Constraints: Ariane Landuyt, Before the Great Enlargement: European Institutions and Minorities in Yugoslavia - Giuliana Laschi, An Enlarged Europe, two Europes or East and West? The EC/EU from Domestic Agent to International Actor of Cooperation - Alessandra Bitumi, Transatlantic Relations "beyond the Curtain": Eastern Europe between the United States and the European Union - Stefano Bianchini, Reassessing Self-determination. European integration and Nation-state Independence facing the Challenges of post-Socialist Europe.